H. M. Luther is one of my favorite galleries in New York. I try to place at least one object from their exquisite selection in every project I do. Here I am standing in front of a Swedish 20th century rosewood and specimen wood writing table by Carl Malsten with one of a pair of Neoclassical Swedish gilt chairs from ca. 1790. Despite a span of more than 200 years between their respective origins – these pieces work beautifully together. The set of four neo-baroque shell and coral sconces in the background are by the legendary decorator Dorothy Draper – I may need to channel a project in Palm Beach so I can use these for someone!
I am wearing a cotton beige suit ( another great between-seasons choice ) by Gucci, Tom Ford pale blue cotton glen plaid shirt, Charvet blue and white silk pocket square in a vintage 60′s pattern, Seaman Schepps silver pearl with pale blue sapphire cuff links., Hermes blue leather belt with silver buckle, Yves Saint Laurent black leather “Windsor” slip on shoes.